Athlete Training Programs
About our Training
How fast can you run? How high can you jump? What is your reactive strength index (RSI)? How fast are you moving the barbell? How much eccentric and concentric force can you produce? How quickly does your heart rate drop after a maximum effort conditioning interval? Improving these numbers correlates to improved speed, strength, power, and conditioning.
In order to get the most out of your training you should have answers to all of these questions. We utilize technology and devices including timing systems, a kBox, Open Barbell, curved treadmills, G Flight, and heart rate monitors to track all of these numbers to get the most out of our athletes. If you aren’t tracking numbers you are just guessing whether or not you are getting better as an athlete.
Are you doing workouts to get better or are you training? Training implies following a program to reach a specific goal and that’s what you should be doing to reach your potential. Each program is based off the statement, “TRAIN WITH A PURPOSE.” Every single drill and exercise that is prescribed to each athlete is done to elicit a specific training response that will improve their performance. This includes everything from the drills during the warm up, the type of speed training they are doing, the strength program they are following, and also the type of conditioning protocol they are following. All our options for our athletes are below. You can click on an option or scroll through and pick a program that works best for you.